In Colaiste Eamonn Ris Junior Certificate Science is an optional subject and the Science subjects that are available up to the Leaving Certificate include Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

The Junior Certificate Science syllabus was changed in 2006 focussing on the investigative aspects of science. This is reflected in the way science is now assessed. Major components of the course work may be completed before the Junior Certificate exams are held. Completion of experiment booklets accounts for 10% of the Junior Certificate Science grade. Another 25% of the Junior Certificate grade is gained in the 3rd year of the science curriculum through two investigations.

This pratical hands on discovery learning will suit students of all abilities. Students with particular interest in Science are encouraged to participate in scientific competions like Scifest and Young Scientist.

More details available on Science website *coming soon….

Photos of some of our students enjoying science classes….

The Human Periodic Table.

The Ecology Trip to Dublin Zoo.

Gearoid Finn (Junior Cert 2012 Science Award winner)
